Saturday, September 30, 2006

Josh at school giving his kangaroo presentation 26 Sept 2006

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Josh and me at my birthday dinner

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Josie and me at my birthday dinner, El Fornaio, Denver 26 Sept 2006

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Louis and Alex and a B52 bomber, Air Museum Denver Sept 06

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Alex and electrostatic energy at Air Museum Denver, Sept 2006

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sara Master

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Peter Sutton and Chris working on Dreamings - the Book! ca 1988, Central Australian bush

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The old days: near Papunya Central Australia, ca 1988

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Eleonore Ashurova, June 2006

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My dear friend Eleonore

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My friend Abena with Bono, Accra July 06

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Chris before coffee

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Kwabea, Accra August 06

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First bar of gold at Ahafo July 18, 2006

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Florence Nana Kwabea Nyante

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